

曼谷Atrium Athletic Club

Atrium 高级健身俱乐部经理 Sivilai Pinsuwan 表示:「我们十分庆幸本公司的管理层是有远见的,于2004年在我们的高级健身俱乐部内安装了奥地利「加能德™」活水系统,为俱乐部做出了正确的选择。

瑞士Migros Fitnesspark

The technical director of the Migros Fitnesspark, Marcel Brun, even went as far as turning off the ozone device after the GRANDER® Water Revitalisation had been installed and only told his technicians three weeks later. They were horrified to start with, but they were only able to discover that the water quality had only stayed the same.

奥地利Florian Berndl-Bad

名字取自最早的替代疗法先锋 Florian Berndl (1856-1934),他亦是提出革命性裸浴的始创者。当被问到有关「加能德™」活水系统,营运总监 Franz Trippold 很快便展示出他的热情:「在使用「加能德™」活水系统前,在散热装置旁边,靠近热能交换器的热水管长期被一块块的水垢堵塞。

瑞士Bath Fontanivas

瑞士 Ilanz 的浴场协会总裁 Tobias Schneider,自2001年在 Fontanivas 安装「加能德™」活水系统,以下是他的经验见证: